
Bad News

I just wanted to let everyone know about Linda. She was doing a presentation to the staff at her school when she suddenly felt a pain in her chest and broke out in a sweat. Thy called 911 and the aid car rushed her to the hospital which fortunately was only 5 minutes away. It turns out that she was having a heart attack.It sounds so wierd to say that! They performed an angioplasty and got the blood flowing again and it looks like she is going to be ok. It's a miracle that I was home taking care of Mariah. I hate to think what might have happened should she have been home alone. I guess this is a big wake up call and a chance to take a look our lives. The doctor said stress may have played a part in this and it doesn't surprise me. She has been working way too hard the last several years so hopefully she can take some time off to recover. I figured you would all want to know what was going on....I'll keep you posted.


Unknown said...

Thanks, Dale, for letting us know. I can't believe it! I'm glad to hear she's doing better but I bet it's been scary. Tell Linda I'm thinking good thoughts and sending them towards her for a nice recovery and maybe some well needed rest and relaxation for awhile.

Cori said...


Thanks for sharing the news. I'm glad Linda was able to get help quickly. Please pass on a gentle hug and ever so much love from Xander, Rob and I. I'll be putting you names into the healing circle at choir, and we're all thinking of you!


sherry said...

Yikes! When it rains it's a hurricane...please keep in touch and give Linda (and the rest of you)my love and best wishes. Get well and stay safe. Sherry Baugh

billie ognenoff said...

Dear Ones~ I was so relieved to hear Linda's voice and know that she is going to be ok. What a shock to come home and hear this news and what a wake up call to all of us-to slow down, and breathe! (Now if I would just learn to take my own advice...)
I will be praying for you, for continued healing and strength. I know this has been a hard time (on top of too many other hard times)but you are a strong family and will get through this together! I love you all~Billie

NWTC said...

Sunday night here,so often a bittersweet night, knowing it was off to to another week where we wouldn't see each other.Now,gratefully we have a few weeks together with a bit of time for healing and introspection. Unfortunately my folks, in the midst of this have decided they want a divorce.Not what I want to deal with at the moment but never-the-less it is there to deal with.We promised the girls that when we get older we won't whack-out on them.
Somehow I know it will all work out. I put on Pat Thompson's cd last night when I felt a bit low and just her voice was enough to make me feel a bit better. Having a camp family is a really wonderful thing to have.Thanks for all your care and support.It does make a difference.