Not another one
Well, life is always changing yes? I took my step Mom Dottie into the ER this morning with what looks like a heart attack.Can you believe it? They sent her up to Bellingham an hour away which has a good cardiac dept so hopefully she will be okay. Her son is now with her and I am with my Dad at home. He's pretty upset and I think it's best to keep him here for now....we'll see. Prayers are gratefully accepted for Dottie these next few hours and days. I could use some for strength and fortitude right now myself.
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Dear dear Dale~ What a year it has been for you and your family~2009 has got to be better, right???? I am keeping Dottie and your dad, and most of all, you and Linda in my prayers as you try to catch your breath from yet another crisis-it's so hard to be calm in the midst of storms when they come one right after another like this. On a happier note-please tell Linda how very proud we all are of her for passing her exams and for taking it easy:) while she recuperates-she has been on my mind alot! I know they say God doesn't give us more than we can handle but if that is the case, I'm guessing he must think you are awfully strong!! Hang in there my friend and know that prayers and hugs are making their way across the (frigid-it's 8 degrees here this am) miles to you! So much love, Billie
Thanks Billie! Dottie made it through and is now home. Linda(the angel that she is) spent a lot of time at the hospital with her and ended up sleeping at Hannah's house which was only a few minutes from the hospital. I drove Dad back and forth from Anacortes so the teamwork was a great thing.Funny how even in the tough experiences of life there are blessings to be found.Dottie's some and daughter in law are up there with her this week-end so we can be home and catch our breath and Linda can attend her cardiac rehab class on Monday.
December the 23rd and it's early...the light is just arising and I can see the white snowy trees out the window.The Christmas tree is next to me and the lights are up (we haven't found time to put on any of our ornaments yet)and the furnace is purring its warmth for the house. I still like early mornings best, Tom's time too. I used to always take solace in the fact that he was lighting his candle and sipping his coffee.I miss that but still continue the tradition.The world doesn't feel the same without him yet I often feel he is peaking in on us occasionally.
Dottie is recovering and Linda is doing well. I know she is nervous about going back to work.These past few months seem a blur, a dream. I know she will do well but I still worry about her. I know that she feels like there are no accidents and for some reason she was meant to share her experiences with my Mom. She has done an awesome job and I am so proud of her. She has been so loving and caring and selfless in her caring for Dottie (my second Mom). One more thing that impresses me about my wonderful wife. I feel lucky beyond words that she is my wife.
My Dad is here for Christmas with us. It was quite an adventure getting him down our driveway filed with snow as he is wobbly on dry land but we got him here. I hope the snow will go away before too long as we are already tired of the restrictions it places on us. I think he is feeling sad a lot; this isn't the way he intended to spend his last years and it's hard to watch him fade in his confusion. I will just keep on trying to be patient and be a good role model for the girls....I keep telling them that someday it might be me.
Words are not flowing easily this morning so I will close. I miss hearing about everyone's lives and invite you to make a posting after Christmas if you have the time.It's just like posting on Tom's Blog....click on the comments and that's really all there is. You might have to scroll down the page to get to the date you want but I know you can do it.My love to you all and Merry Christmas!
Dear All~ It's Christmas night and my house is quiet...an unusual state...we had brunch early and all our festivities were over with by 1:00 as my older kids had to travel to other in laws, fiancees, etc. I have to admit-I don't like this change. I understand it and I'm glad my kids have other people they love and are making lives for themselves but I long for the days when we took all day to open gifts, then drink hot cocoa and played board games in front of the fire and mostly were just together with no agenda or time constraints.
And then I thought of Tom, as I so often do and how he would ask... So what else is also true...I'm very thankful to have my girls all home from their far flung corners of the country and considering we have nearly four feet of snow on the ground and more on the way-that is no small feat. I feel so bad for all the people stuck in airports or train stations and for those waiting for them and having their holiday plans ruined because of all this snow-it's sure pretty but reminds us how helpless we really are in the over all scheme of things!
We have put the finishing touches on the NWTC 2009 flier and it should be in your in boxes within a week so you can register online if you like. In the midst of all this cold and holiday chaos, I found myself sitting in church waiting for the candlelight service to start and thinking of camp brotherhood...mentally took a walk along the road up to the chapel and stood looking up at the moon on this cold clear night-wonder what it's like there tonight? I miss you all and think of you so many times a day and hope you all have a peaceful holiday, whatever you may be celebrating and a joy filled new year! Love, Billie
Dear Dale, Linda, kids, all...
I too, think of all of you and send my best wishes, hopes, prayers and thanks to everyone!!!
My goodness--so much going on and so many worries and so much to be grateful for.
First, congratulations to Linda! As one (myself) who HATES tests, she has accomplished an amazing feat and hopefully she'll NEVER have to face such trauma again. How wonderful to be done and no surprise (to me) that she did so well!
Next, Dale, please know that even though written thoughts are not posted often, you are truly in my thoughts and prayers. It has got to be hard for all of you. I take a couple of wonderful older ladies to church each Sunday and it's amazing to see how they are loving their senior home and friendships they've made. They are good models for me! I hope your dad comes around to feel that there's still good experiences out there for him, too.
I am (usually) a very early riser. It's so comforting to know that others are up and about and the energy of loved ones present and past surround me. Thank you.
Christmas is over and it was wonderful. My son was here for Thanksgiving, but not Christmas. We spoke with him often around Christmas time and I'm so grateful he keeps in touch often. Once school was done, my girls and I enjoyed trimming the tree and cooking up treats. I especially enjoyed watching the DVD of Tom and could only watch a portion at a time...it was so touching.
The New Year is upon us. I send wishes for each of you to find peace and happiness, joy and strength in every day ahead.
Love to all, Sherry Baugh
Seems everyone's lives are busy this time of year...but wanted to let you know that last night I had a sweet reprieve from this long cold Wisconsin winter! Jan Denney, Kathy Estlund, Marlene and i gathered at Jan's cozy home and sang camp songs by the fireplace for a few hours. I must confess I closed my eyes for much of the singing and pretended I was in Rogers surrounded by all you dear camp folk and I felt transcended to that wonderful place! I'm hoping that this finds each of you doing something for yourselves that fills you back up when you're feeling drained and camp seems a long way off.I know Kim invited her principal to the "secret and subversive" Friday sing a long she's been having with her 1st graders all year. Wouldn't it be fun to share some of the ways we are "keeping it going" in our "real lives" and by doing so, we could keep each other going until we meet again?! I think of you all so often and hope we can stay connected through this blog but that will only happen if we make the time to post on here. If you're having trouble with it, please email or call dale or me and we'll do our best to get you on board! Much love to all of you~Billie
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